The way it works

In this paragraph I will be telling you about the way ADHD actually affects your brain. The ADHD brain has low levels of hormones which cause it to be active and de active at the same time. IN this article I will be talking about the specific hormones, the regions of your brain it affects, and what each region of the brain is used for that causes the inattention, distractibility, and dis organization. I hope you enjoy learning about how your brain actually works and I hope this article helps you understand better what is different between you, and someone without ADHD.

The ADHD brain has low levels of a neurotransmitter called Norepinephrine. Norepinephrine is connected to Dopamine which controls the brain’s reward, and pleasure system. The ADHD brain has low or imparied neurotransmitters in 4 regions of the brain. The Frontal Cortex which controls high level functions like attention, organization, and executive functions. The Limbic system is another part of the brain affected by ADHD. It is deeper in the brain and controls our emotions and our attention. The third system affected is called the Basal Ganglia which is also located deep in the brain. A deficiency of Norepinephrine can cause it to “short-circuit” and stop inter-brain communication and information. This results in inattention and impulsivity. The last region it affects is The Reticular Activating System. This is the place where major pathways of the brain enter and leave the brain to go through the body. The deficiency here can cause inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

In this article I hope you learned that ADHD isn’t just some weird magic spell but is actually a real thing. ADHD has been proven to exist. I hope in the above article you realize that it is real. I will continue to put up articles describing the physical effects of ADHD and hope you know how serious it is.